
New Series of Social Media Scams Target Teenagers

young woman on phone

With the rapid growth of social media platforms, teenagers today are more vulnerable than ever to online scams. These scams can range from identity theft and financial fraud to cyberbullying and online predators. As a parent, it is crucial to arm yourself with knowledge and equip your teenagers with the necessary tools to stay safe in the digital world. In this blog, Kershaw Talley Barlow will explore the most common social media scams targeting teenagers and provide actionable tips to protect them.

Types of Social Media Scams Targeting Teenagers:

  1. Fake Online Contests and Giveaways: Scammers create fake social media accounts mimicking popular brands or influencers, enticing teenagers with promises of lucrative prizes or exclusive giveaways. In reality, these scams are designed to collect personal information, such as email addresses and phone numbers, for nefarious purposes.

  2. Phishing Attacks via Direct Messages: Cybercriminals often employ phishing techniques to trick teenagers into revealing sensitive information. They may send seemingly harmless direct messages claiming to be from a friend or acquaintance, leading the teenager to click on malicious links that compromise their personal data.

  3. Fake Social Media Challenges: Scammers capitalize on the popularity of viral challenges to engage teenagers. These challenges may encourage participants to share personal information or perform actions that could have negative consequences. It's crucial to educate teenagers about the potential risks associated with participating in such challenges.

  4. Impersonation of Friends or Family: Some scams involve impersonating a teenager's friends or family members to gain their trust. Scammers create fake profiles, using stolen photos and information, to establish a false sense of familiarity. They may then exploit this trust to solicit money or personal details.

  5. Romance Scams: Teenagers are increasingly targeted in online romance scams, where scammers create fake personas to establish romantic connections. Once trust is established, they manipulate teenagers into sharing personal information or even sending money.

Protective Measures for Parents & Educators:

  1. Open Communication: Encourage open and honest communication with teenagers about their online activities. Create an environment where they feel comfortable discussing their online interactions, concerns, or encounters with potential scams.

  2. Educate About Red Flags: Teach teenagers to recognize red flags such as unsolicited messages, requests for personal information, or suspicious online behavior. Emphasize the importance of verifying the identity of online contacts before engaging in any interactions.

  3. Privacy Settings: Guide teenagers in configuring privacy settings on their social media accounts. Limiting the visibility of personal information helps reduce the risk of being targeted by scammers.

  4. Two-Factor Authentication: Enable two-factor authentication on teenagers' social media accounts to add an extra layer of security. This ensures that even if account credentials are compromised, unauthorized access is more challenging.

  5. Critical Thinking Skills: Foster critical thinking skills in teenagers by encouraging them to question the authenticity of online content and requests. Remind them that legitimate entities do not ask for sensitive information through direct messages.

  6. Report Suspicious Activity: Teach teenagers how to report suspicious accounts or activities on social media platforms. Reporting such incidents helps platforms take swift action against scammers and protect the wider user community.

  7. Stay Informed: Stay informed about the latest social media scams targeting teenagers. Regularly update your knowledge about emerging threats and share this information with teenagers to empower them against potential risks.

Kershaw Talley Barlow Is Here for Your Family

At Kershaw Talley Barlow, we understand the importance of protecting your teenagers from social media scams. Contact our experts today to learn more about how we can assist you in safeguarding your family's' legal interests. 

Call Kershaw Talley Barlow at (916) 520-6639 or send us a message online.